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Class App: FitGrid App for Clients
To help you and your team get started with the FitGrid Class App, we have collection of articles that will help you gain the momentum you need to connect your community to the Grid!
Configuring your livestream settings in Mindbody
What is the Class App and how does it benefit your studio?
How do I change my studio's Class App settings?
Connecting your Community Together
Make your studio discoverable in the FitGrid Class App
Attract New Clients with Rewards
How to Create a FitGrid Reward Pricing Option
Help! My client wants to deactivate their FitGrid Class App account.
Flexible Auto-Renewals in the Class App
Rewards: How they work & how to set them up at your studio
Booking through the FitGrid Class App
Improve Your Search Visibility by Assigning Multiple Activities to Group Classes
What resources are available to me as a studio on the FitGrid Class App?
How can I get support when I am having issues with the FitGrid Class App?
How can my clients link their Class App profile to my studio?
How can my clients set a workout goal?
Notifications for FitGrid Class App