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Monitor instructor adoption of FitGrid Pro

Track how your instructors are doing and help them use the app to its full potential

Christina Pischel avatar
Written by Christina Pischel
Updated over a week ago

Once you have invited your instructors to download the FitGrid Pro app, it's important to make sure they successfully create an account and start using the app to communicate with clients. Here are some tools to help:

In the "Instructor On-boarding" section of your Home page...

  • In the "Signed Up" section, you can see which instructors have successfully created an account. Check on those who have not to see whether they need help! You can also send reminders to all invited instructors who have not yet created an account with a single click.

  • In the "Tried Follow-ups" section, you can see which instructors that are active on the app have sent their first follow-up message to a client. Encourage those who get stuck here–once they try using this feature, they'll see how easy and powerful it can be.

  • You can also track whether your instructors are creating customized messages, and whether they're writing notes that enrich the studio's client profiles.

In the "Follow-ups" section of your Home page...

  • You can track how many follow-up messages FitGrid Pro suggested your instructors send, how many they actually sent, how many were opened by the recipients, and more.

  • If you click "By Instructor" you can track performance by individual instructor. On a daily or weekly basis, reach out to instructors to encourage them and help ensure they continue to communicate with clients.

  • If you click "By Week" you can track how the performance of your studio has changed over time.

Next, get inspired by best practices of the most successful studios using the FitGrid Pro app!

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