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Writing Effective Follow-up Messages
Christina Pischel avatar
Written by Christina Pischel
Updated over 11 months ago

Now that you’re up and running on FitGrid, we want to help you get the most out of our platform. It all starts with crafting a fantastic follow-up message.

Before you write your follow-up messages, let’s take a moment to step into the client’s shoes. Is this their first time taking your class? Have they been to your class multiple times? Where might they be reading this message (on the train, at the office, after a long day)?

Four Steps to Writing Follow-up Messages

Step 1: Express your appreciation for the client

Whether it’s the client’s 1st time, 3rd time, or 100th time to your class, a friendly acknowledgement goes a long way. We also recommend avoiding time specific words such as “today,” just in case you decide to send your follow-up message the day after.

  • Example: “It was great to see you in my class” or “Thanks for starting your morning with me!”

Step 2: Customize the message to fit the specific client

First Visit Client: Share some positive energy and encourage them to reach out with questions.

  • Example: "Really great energy in class. Keep up the great work! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions."

Longer Term Clients: Congratulate them on a milestone.

  • Example: "Whoa you’ve reached your 30th class with me. Congrats and keep crushing it!"

Step 3: Infuse your personality

Include your signature.

  • Example: "be well, Cindy"

You can also add your social media handle, and we will let you know which clients click on it.

Step 4: Encourage feedback

If you want to engage your clients and you enjoy hearing from them, go ahead and ask for it.

  • Example: "Please let me know how you’re enjoying class!" or "If you have any questions or feedback, please let me know."

  • Example: "See you next week?" or "What goals can I help you achieve?" or "How are you feeling?"

Want to dive in deeper? Check out what we learned from analyzing half a million follow-up messages with our downloadable guide to effective client interactions:

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