Why is this important?
The instructors who inspire the greatest returns to your studio are those who bring new clients back to your studio at the highest rate. You can create incentive programs to bonus instructors who achieve Studio Return Rates that you believe move the business. You can also use these instructors in slots where you have the most new clients.
Instructor Report Metric To Look At:
Studio Return Rate
Note: The Studio Return Rate looks at clients who were 1st-time-to-studio in the month BEFORE the report (so August in the example above) and who visited that particular instructor, and then finds the % of those people who returned within 30 days
For example, the 33% above means 33% of the 1st-time-to-studio clients who came in August, to that instructor, came back within 30 days to any instructor within the studio. So someone who came in first on August 22 had until September 22 to return to be counted
What To Do:
Look at your instructor reports
Look at the Studio Return Rate metric
You can either look at this monthly or look at it over time
To review monthly simply look at the report
To review over 3 months, for example, pull the reports for a 3 month period for a specific instructor. Add the values together. Then rank your instructors based on the 3 month total
However, you do it, consider moving these instructors to timeslots where you have the most new clients
Or consider bonusing your instructors based on driving this number higher.