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Can I use Instructor Reports to evaluate my instructors in a meaningful and consistent way?
Can I use Instructor Reports to evaluate my instructors in a meaningful and consistent way?
Christina Pischel avatar
Written by Christina Pischel
Updated over 3 years ago

Yes, you can use Instructor Reports to evaluate your instructors, either on their own or as complements to your existing practices.

Good evaluations, designed to help instructors improve, rely on transparency, consistency, and relevance.

  • Transparency: Instructors should know what they are being measured on.

  • Consistency: You must evaluate instructors consistently.

  • Relevance: The metrics must be relevant to their teaching and be something they can actually work on.

At FitGrid we've reviewed the practices of hundreds of studios and have chosen a few metrics that could be useful to you.

1. Growth in fill rate over 3 months

Instructor Report Metric to look at:

  • Avg Utilization Rate (Fill Rate)


  • If your instructors can fill their classes then theoretically your business will succeed. If you have completely full classes and you are still losing money then there is a more basic problem with your business model (e.g. you are getting too many low paying clients through aggregators like ClassPass, or your costs are too high from things like rent)

What can your instructors do to affect this?

  • Two things: Retain & Bring New Clients

  • Retain: Instructors can be more personable and friendly when clients walk in the door. They can also reach out to clients via FitGrid Pro to establish deeper connections.

  • Bring New Clients: They can ask their classes to bring friends in. They can begin posting about their classes on social media and asking friends to do the same. They may reach out to partners or companies they know.

  • Bottom line: If you focus instructors on this metric and make them partners in the process you could see this grow.

2. Growth in Studio Return Rate over 3 months

Instructor Report Metric to look at:

  • Studio Return Rate


  • One of your greatest revenue losses comes from clients who come once and never come back. If your instructors can help to keep these people coming back you will be in a much better position.

What can your instructors do to affect this?

  1. Use FitGrid Pro to identify 1st-Time-To-Studio clients

  2. Greet them specially before class

  3. Touch base with them after class

  4. Write authentic follow-ups to those clients vs. the regular follow-up templates that can be sent out

3. Growth in % of regulars over 3 months

Metric to look at:

  • % of Regulars is a calculation you can do using the Instructor Reports

  • % of Regulars = (3x + Visitors) / (# of Unique Clients)


  • If your instructors can grow their regulars over time, you have automatic money coming in the door each month

What can your instructors do to affect this?

  1. Make time for a consistent teaching schedule

  2. Teach an amazing class

  3. Show they care by developing deeper relationships with clients on an individual basis

  4. Use FitGrid to follow-up with or communicate with clients, particularly 1st visit clients (either to that instructor or to the studio)

4. Effort over 3 months

Metric to look at:

  • FitGrid Pro Sent Rate

  • Substitutions Made By Instructor


  • You always want team players - people who are willing to do that extra little thing to connect with clients, and who are willing to go that extra mile to support the studio

What can your instructors do to affect this?

1. Do the FitGrid follow-ups

2. Volunteer when there are substitutions

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